Inspector General, Ministry Of Industry (MOI) and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (I-EA-T) visited our recycled lead smelting plant in Thailand
On 20th June 2022, Inspector General, Ministry Of Industry (MOI) and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (I-EA-T) visited Thai Nonferrous Metal Co., Ltd (TNC) to conduct factory tour and check TNC’s production processes.
They expressed their respect and gave us praise for TNC’s big effort and improvement which have been made in past few years. They also showed the expectation for us to continuously improve TNC’s production process and to be the model factory among the recycled lead smelting companies in Thailand.
Since June 2021, TNC is the only one company granted EHIA license.
Energywith Co.,Ltd. and its group company continuously contribute to the sustainable society in ASEAN through our recycled lead smelting business.